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In chronological order of joining lab.
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Peter Thorpe
Peter completed a PhD at the University of Edinburgh with Noreen Murray studying viral restriction. He undertook post-doctoral training with David Porteous, also at the University of Edinburgh and Rodney Rothstein, at Columbia University, New York studying genetic recombination and kinetochore function. In 2011 he started his own laboratory at the National Institute of Medical Research in London, which later became the Francis Crick Institute. In 2018 the lab moved to East London to the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London.
E-mail: p [dot] thorpe [at] qmul [dot] ac [dot] uk
Teaching: Peter teaches Biochemistry and Biomedicine to undergraduate and post-graduate Master’s courses. Including:
Essential Skills for Biochemists.
Biochemistry Communication
Molecular Basis of Disease
Metabolic Pathways
Essential Biochemistry for Human Life
Advanced Biochemical Research Methods (Master’s)
Support: Peter is the Deputy Dean for Research Impact for the Science and Engineering faculty at Queen Mary University of London.